Archive for the ‘AstroPosts’ Category

Paris Review – The Art of Fiction No. 203, Ray Bradbury


Paris Review – The Art of Fiction No. 203, Ray Bradbury.

Window Socket – Solar Energy Powered Socket by Kyuho Song & Boa Oh » Yanko Design


Window Socket – Solar Energy Powered Socket by Kyuho Song & Boa Oh » Yanko Design.

Plug It On The Window

The Window Socket offers a neat way to harness solar energy and use it as a plug socket. So far we have seen solutions that act as a solar battery backup, but none as a direct plug-in. Simple in design, the plug just attaches to any window and does its job intuitively.

Designers: Kyuho Song & Boa Oh

Read more at 

Crossing the threshold – leading into the future


Apparently we change for two fundamental reasons:

  1. We have enough information about the situation we want to change
  2. We are experiencing so much pain that we have to change
This ‘perfect storm’ of economic, social and environmental factors in our midst is actually a ‘perfect dawn’ for us as it invokes both core drivers for change – we have more than enough information to know we ought change and we are experiencing more than enough pain for us to have to change. The bad news of breakdown leads to the good news of breakthrough.At times of great winds, some build bunkers, while others build windmills. Ancient Chinese proverbMany experts now point to an imminent paradigm shift: a transformation in the way we conduct our business, engage with each other and relate to life itself.  For instance, Professor Michael Porter stated when addressing a business leaders forum in October 2011 ‘the old models of corporate capitalism are dead…we are witnessing a paradigm shift’.  In 2012 John Elkington, in The Phoenix Economy report, notes that ‘the time is ripe for a true paradigm shift to a more sustainable economy.’  So here we are in 2013; there is no time like the present. The paradigm shift is not going to happen five or ten years from now, it is happening as we speak.

The challenge with any paradigm shift is that it requires both a letting go of old, tried-and-tested ways ingrained in our collective psyche and an embracement of novel, as yet unproven ways.  There is a threshold across which individuals, organisations and communities need to cross. It is a chasm that can sometimes look like an abyss especially when we are all-to-engrossed in frantically patching up the current way of doing things just to keep the wheels from falling off. There is inherent inertia in crossing the threshold. Our feelings of security in the known and sense of safety in numbers by staying in the herd keeps us fearfully clinging to old ways.

As Morpheus in The Matrix said:

‘You have to understand, most people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.’
As the saying goes, ‘old habits die hard’. Paradoxically it is through the release of old ways that innovation and new growth comes. The old has to die-off for the new to emerge, just as in nature old trees fall to the ground where-upon fungi and bacteria break it down to release nutrients into the soil for new growth.  This ‘back-loop’ of death bringing re-birth is just as vital to the vitality and health of natural systems as the more socially acceptable ‘front-loop’ of innovation, growth and conservation is; ditto for economic and social systems. Transformational times of impending destruction and creative re-construction inevitably invoke fear. It takes great courage to break rank from business-as-usual amidst a perfect storm. It takes real leadership to transform a business in such volatile times. Incidentally, the root of the word leadership is ‘leith’ which means to go forth and cross the threshold, to die and be re-born.Dr Otto Sharma, Senior Lecturer at MIT, in his ‘Theory U’ explores how leadership itself needs to transform in order to be able to lead us across this threshold.  Leadership, he finds, is about facilitating the process of letting go of old ways and allowing the new to take root. Leaders first transform themselves and then guide and coach others, creating a safe passage for the followers to cross the threshold. Vital to this leadership is a healthy foundation to ground the transformation in, what Sharma refers to as the soil of the being (the psyche of the self) and the soil of the organisation (the culture of the organisation). It is this soil that allows the old ways to die and yield nutrients for new growth at a personal and organisational level; much like healthy soil breaks down decaying matter in winter to provide vital nutrients for new growth in spring. The soil of us is our inner being, this is where we can start to envision the future on the other side of the abyss and so contemplate crossing the threshold.This ability to embody the future is what Peter Senge, Otto Sharma and colleagues have referred to as ‘presencing’ and is well articulated in their bookPresence. It is the ability to transform our capacity to see and our capacity to create which Senge and others explain as:
‘a new capacity for  stillness that no longer fragments who we really are from what’s emerging; and a new capacity for creating alternative realities that no longer fragments the wisdom of the head, heart, and hand.’
This leadership can be found in each of us; we are the leaders of the future. Yes, we may need to sometimes rely on charismatic, courageous people to lead diverse groups of us, yet it is you and me that need to nourish our own inner soil, to allow for the dying of old ways and the re-birth of new realities.  This is ‘the nuts and bolts’ or rather ‘the roots and shoots’ of the paradigm shift, not some global flash of light, meteor strike or the second coming, but each of us finding our passion that aligns our inner selves with our outer activities, by envisioning new realities and then taking small steps of change.  The good news is we are not alone in having to envision, we can co-create with those in our communities and organisations, as more and more people now get that business-as-usual is broken beyond repair.Through dialogue and sharing, we help ourselves and others to presence our future. Each interaction facilitates reflection and brings opportunity for further innovation and adaptation. Each day offers us chances to place fresh new steps of change.As Mother Teresa once profoundly said, ‘we cannot do great things, only small things with great love’.A healthy and easy first step to take is a stroll in nature, to allow the mind to settle and the heart to be heard. Nature has a magical way of helping us see things clearer. What an important time to be alive; it’s time to cross the threshold and lead ourselves through this paradigm shift in business and beyond.

Follow Giles Hutchins Blog | Twitter
The book ‘The Nature of Business’ is on Amazon.

Yogananda Brasil O ciúme provém de um complexo de


Via Yogananda Brasil

O ciúme provém de um complexo de inferioridade e se expressa por meio da suspeita e do medo. Significa que a pessoa tem medo de não poder se manter no seu relacionamento com os outros, seja ele conjugal, filial ou social. Se sentir motivo para ter ciúme de alguém – por exemplo, se teme que a pessoa amada transfira sua atenção a outrem – primeiro empenhe-se em compreender se lhe falta alguma coisa interiormente. Aprimore-se. Desenvolva-se. A única maneira de conservar o afeto ou o respeito de outra pessoa é aplicar a lei do amor e merecer o reconhecimento dela mediante o autoaprimoramento. (…) A satisfação resulta do aperfeiçoamento constante de si, de modo que, ao invés de ter que procurar os outros, eles é que o procurarão.

Paramahansa Yogananda, Onde Existe Luz

Link –


21 habits of happy people


21 Habits of Happy People

“Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbar
Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed.


We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. I’m not saying happy people don’t feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don’t let it overtake their life. The following are 21 things happy people make a habit of doing:



1. Appreciate Life

Be thankful that you woke up alive each morning. Develop a childlike sense of wonder towards life. Focus on the beauty of every living thing. Make the most of each day. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2. Choose Friends Wisely

Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values and goals. Friends that have the same ethics as you will encourage you to achieve your dreams. They help you to feel good about yourself. They are there to lend a helping hand when needed.

3. Be Considerate

Accept others for who they are as well as where they are in life. Respect them for who they are. Touch them with a kind and generous spirit. Help when you are able, without trying to change the other person. Try to brighten the day of everyone you come into contact with.

4. Learn Continuously

Keep up to date with the latest news regarding your career and hobbies. Try new and daring things that has sparked your interest – such as dancing, skiing, surfing or sky-diving.

5. Creative Problem Solving

Don’t wallow in self-pity. As soon as you face a challenge get busy finding a solution. Don’t let the set backs affect your mood, instead see each new obstacle you face as an opportunity to make a positive change. Learn to trust your gut instincts – it’s almost always right.

6. Do What They Love

Some statistics show that 80% of people dislike their jobs! No wonder there’s so many unhappy people running around. We spend a great deal of our life working. Choose a career that you enjoy – the extra money of a job you detest isn’t worth it. Make time to enjoy your hobbies and pursue special interests.

7. Enjoy Life

Take the time to see the beauty around you. There’s more to life than work. Take time to smell the roses, watch a sunset or sunrise with a loved one, take a walk along the seashore, hike in the woods etc. Learn to live in the present moment and cherish it. Don’t live in the past or the future.

8. Laugh

Don’t take yourself – or life to seriously. You can find humor in just about any situation. Laugh at yourself – no one’s perfect. When appropriate laugh and make light of the circumstances. (Naturally there are times that you should be serious as it would be improper to laugh.)

9. Forgive

Holding a grudge will hurt no one but you. Forgive others for your own peace of mind. When you make a mistake – own up to it – learn from it – and FORGIVE yourself.

10. Gratitude

Develop an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings; All of them – even the things that seem trivial. Be grateful for your home, your work and most importantly your family and friends. Take the time to tell them that you are happy they are in your life.

11. Invest in Relationships

Always make sure your loved ones know you love them even in times of conflict. Nurture and grow your relationships with your family and friends by making the time to spend with them. Don’t break your promises to them. Be supportive.

12. Keep Their Word

Honesty is the best policy. Every action and decision you make should be based on honesty. Be honest with yourself and with your loved ones.

13. Meditate

Meditation gives your very active brain a rest. When it’s rested you will have more energy and function at a higher level. Types of meditation include yoga, hypnosis, relaxation tapes, affirmations, visualization or just sitting in complete silence. Find something you enjoy and make the time to practice daily.

14. Mind Their Own Business

Concentrate on creating your life the way you want it. Take care of you and your family. Don’t get overly concerned with what other people are doing or saying. Don’t get caught up with gossip or name calling. Don’t judge. Everyone has a right to live their own life the way they want to – including you.

15. Optimism

See the glass as half full. Find the positive side of any given situation. It’s there – even though it may be hard to find. Know that everything happens for a reason, even though you may never know what the reason is. Steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought.

16. Love Unconditionally

Accept others for who they are. You don’t put limitations on your love. Even though you may not always like the actions of your loved ones – you continue to love them.

17. Persistence

Never give up. Face each new challenge with the attitude that it will bring you one step closer to your goal. You will never fail, as long as you never give up. Focus on what you want, learn the required skills, make a plan to succeed and take action. We are always happiest while pursuing something of value to us.

18. Be Proactive

Accept what can not be changed. Happy people don’t waste energy on circumstances beyond their control. Accept your limitations as a human being. Determine how you can take control by creating the outcome you desire – rather than waiting to respond.

19. Self Care

Take care of your mind, body and health. Get regular medical check ups. Eat healthy and work out. Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water. Exercise your mind by continually energizing it with interesting and exciting challenges.

20. Self Confidence

Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. After all no one likes a phony. Determine who you are in the inside – your own personal likes and dislikes. Be confident in who you are. Do the best you can and don’t second guess yourself.

21. Take Responsibility

Happy people know and understand that they are 100% responsible for their life. They take responsibility for their moods, attitude, thoughts, feelings, actions and words. They are the first to admit when they’ve made a mistake.

Begin today by taking responsibility for your happiness. Work on developing these habits as you own. The more you incorporate the above habits into your daily lifestyle – the happier you will be.


Flagrantes da vida real: O mundo artístico


No salão.

– A senhora foi no show do Cicrano e Beltrano? (Não vou lembrar o nome)

– Não, não conheço.

– Ah, mas no show da Fulana de Tal, foi de graça, todo mundo foi, a senhora foi, né?

– Não, não sei quem é.


– Nossa, a senhora não conhece ninguém do mundo artístico???

Pausa longa. Respiração profunda.

– Depende de que “mundo artístico” você está falando. Este ai eu não conheço.

Silêncio. Fim de papo.




O dia que passei meu aniversário/Revolução Solar com Leather Face – The day I spent my birthday-Solar Return with LeatherFace


No fim da década de 90, refiz as legendas português para “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, (“o massacre da serra elétrica”), durante uma Revolução Solar. As legendas anteriores estavam incorretas. O filme é de Tobe Hooper, que virou protegido do Spielberg depois. É apavorante e deixa você de cabelo em pé porque conta um caso real e a direção de Hooper é pesada e punk. Anos depois, analisei a Revolução e entendi o que rolou (rs). Enquanto fazia o trabalho, eu pensava: “Que atividade pra se fazer no aniversário!” Fiz este trabalho em 3 dias. Levei quase 90 dias pra receber. A produtora era caloteira. Enchi a casa de balões coloridos, comprei um bolo enorme, extravagante e outras coisas pra dar um astral menos macabro… mas, não teve jeito, passei o aniversário com o LeatherFace. 🙂 Uma das aventuras da Lua em Escorpião na hora de seu nascimento.

I remember I did the Portuguese subtitles to “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, during a Solar Return, by the end of 90’s. The previous subtitles were wrong. Tobe Hooper is the director and he became Spielberg’s protegé. It is scary and gives you the creeps because it is based on a true story and Hooper’s hand is heavy and hardcore. Years later, I became an astrologer, I studied that chart for that birthday and I completely understood what happened, ahahaha. During the job, I remember thinking: “That’s some activity to do at your birthday!” I finished the subtitles in 3 days and took me almost 3 months to get paid, the production company was full of crooks. I bought an unnecessary big cake, filled my home with colorful balloons and other things to give the place a less eerie atmosphere… but, I couldn’t help it. I spent my birthday with LeatherFace. 🙂 One of the adventures of Moon in Scorpio in your birthchart.

A Charlie Brown Christmas – Vince Guaraldi Trio
